Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy with an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker or Clinical Psychologist?

It is important you are matched with a clinician who you can establish a safe, trusting and respectful relationship with, who understands your needs and can collaborate with you to navigate what has led you to seek therapy. It's important to note that clinicians vary in their approach, interests, and therapeutic techniques used to assist their clients.

  • Anxiety, including generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, and phobias.

  • Depression, including major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, and postpartum depression.

  • Trauma and PTSD, including childhood trauma, sexual assault, domestic violence, and combat-related trauma.

  • Relationship issues, including communication problems, conflicts, trust issues, and infidelity.

  • Grief and loss, including bereavement, separation, and divorce.

  • Body image concerns, poor relationship with food, and eating disorders and/or disordered eating.

  • Self-esteem and self-worth, including negative self-talk, self-doubt, and self-sabotage.

  • Stress management, including work-related stress, financial stress, and stress related to health problems.

  • Sexual and reproductive health issues, including sexual dysfunction, infertility, and sexual orientation/gender identity concerns.

  • Parenting and family issues, including parenting stress, sibling conflicts, and blended family issues.

  • Identity issues, including racial/ethnic identity, gender identity, and sexual orientation.

  • Adjustment issues, including adjustment to major life changes such as moving, starting a new job, or becoming a caregiver.

Here are some examples of specific issues that can be addressed in a therapy session:

Accredited Mental Health Social Workers and Psychologists employ many of the same clinical and therapeutic tools with clients when addressing mental health concerns.

They may both be employed within the same positions by hospitals or outpatient teams, often undertake the same continued professional development, and may implement the same evidence-based interventions.

Both psychologists and mental health social workers can provide a Medicare rebate for sessions. To receive this rebate, a current and valid mental health care plan is required from a GP, addressed our service (or the clinician) prior to attending your first session.

  • Social workers are required to be eligible for registration with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW). Social workers will have completed a minimum accredited degree pathway (three or four-year bachelor’s degree, or accredited master's degree) in order to be registered with AASW. While an accredited mental health social worker must be registered with AASW and is also expected to undertake further training, as well as further examinations, to demonstrate their experience with the provision of clinical mental health therapy.

  • Accredited psychologists are required to meet strict regulatory standards of the Psychology Board of Australia which is overseen by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). AHPRA require an accredited degree pathway; including a postgraduate or master’s degree, accompanied by supervised experience for demonstration of experience prior to registration approval.

We’d love to connect with you

Both KK and Tania are currently accepting new referrals.

KK offers appointments on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Tania offers appointments on Fridays and Saturdays.


Phone: 0421 799 108

Fax: (03) 9125 8296

Postal: P.O. Box 17, Yarraville, VIC, 3012.

Address: 23 Hyde Street, Footscray, VIC, 3011.


Contact Out of Hours:

Holding Compassion is not an emergency service. If you require immediate emergency support, please contact emergency services on 000.

If you are requiring urgent and/ or after hours mental health support, please click here to choose the appropriate service for you to contact.